Scholarships! NOT Currently OPEN!
It's easy to apply for a scholarship in a few minutes. Let's get started:
Browse our amazing online offerings
Email us camp/class choices, name & age of camper at <> to put your child on our waiting list.
Or apply for scholarships by filling out our scholarship online form & check out at 0 balance.
*Camp Scholarship recipients will be awarded after June 30th. All campers are eligible for 1 week of camp (morning & afternoon) or 2 weeks of half-day camps or more depending on how much space there is in any given camp. If we can accommodate more kids, your child may be able to attend more camp weeks. To get on the waiting list and save your spot, make a co-pay! If you can not afford a co-pay, let us know. We will contact you after you have filled out our form. Once you have received notification of your child’s eligibility and determined your copay based on your income, click button below
Click here for button for co-pay options.